A civil personal injury lawsuit has been filed against the University of Hawaii based on an explosion that occurred there last March. A lab researcher lost her arm in the explosion and is now suing the school, alleging that the school failed to provide her adequate training and provide warnings concerning the dangers associated with the preparation of gas mixtures with gases that may become comubsitible.
In addition to the loss of her right arm above her elbow, her cornea was damaged, her face had burns and she suffered nerve damage in her ears. Following the explosion, the lab is expected to make safety changes and repair the lab.
Among other claims, the lawsuit asserts that the university failed to warn of dangerous conditions. Failure to warn and other premises liability claims can arise when a property owner knows or should be aware of unreasonably dangerous conditions and fails to take adequate steps to either remove the danger or sufficiently warn others of the danger. Individuals harmed by dangerous conditions, whether in public or private buildings, or on public or private land, may be able to file a premises liability lawsuit to recover damages.
For more information or if you or a loved one has suffered harm as the result of a dangerous condition, please contact the experienced Hawaii personal injury lawyers at Bostwick Peterson, LLP for an immediate consultation.